Bees and Plantain

This is my first blog post….ever.

If I’m being honest, writing things down for the whole world to see makes me want to crawl into a hole. In true fashion, life intervened to let me know everything would work out just fine. Here’s how it all went down.

I was writing a post all about Elderberry because I just posted my cold and flu kits and it’s a popular topic. It was feeling a little forced and I wasn’t exactly enjoying the process of writing. All of a sudden there was horrible screaming outside my office window, like the holy moly this is bad kind of screaming. I looked out, saw my toddler jumping and screaming, and immediately knew. BEES. While I was doing the mom run to my flailing child, my husband had removed our sons shirt and was swiping the bees away. Turns out he had been batting at a shrub with a nest in it and they swarmed INSIDE his shirt. He’s four years old, so you know this is about to be the longest day of my life.

I immediately grabbed my jar of Stop the Itch Clay Poultice and started applying to each spot after pulling out the stinger. There were about 15 stings total including one with a bee hanging from it inside his ear. Ouchie! The poultice would buy me time to go out and get some Plantain from my yard. Plantain is a miracle plant. If you get a bug bite or rash, try it. You can chew up a few pieces and put it on your affected spot or you can grind in a mortar and pestle like I do. I headed outside, grabbed a handful, made a paste, cut up some gauze, and grabbed the first aid tape

Within 15 mins of applying the plantain all the swelling had gone down. Since he’s a picky four year old he decided that he didn’t want bandages on anymore but he was still itchy, so I reapplied the clay poultice. The french green clay and sea salt pull the poison out, the lavender witch hazel soothes and calms the wound, and the peppermint cools everything down. It works great on all bug bites, bee stings, rashes, etc.

So, that’s the story. Thank you to Casper for giving me inspiration for my first blog post. Love you buddy!


To New Beginnings!