To New Beginnings!

January. Where the heck did you come from?

Honestly. Between this business and my kids I feel like a tumbleweed, just perpetually rolling forward and snagging everything in my path. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe that’s how I manage to keep my house somewhat clean. The miscellaneous toys, socks, and torn paper just cling to me as I pass by.

I love January more than any other time of year. It brings cold crisp days, countless Cottonwood Buds which are my absolute favorite medicine to harvest, and new beginnings. Some people don’t dig the new beginnings and I get that. But after 25 years of being a mother I need them. I need a mark in the year when I can close a few doors and open some new and exciting ones.

I am immersed in thoughts, ideas and inspirations about how to improve different aspects of both my personal self and Hawthorn & Honey. This will be H & H’s 3rd year and with it brings exciting new adventures that I can’t wait to share with you. When I was around 7 years old I knew that I wanted to help heal people. Where, when, or how I didn’t know but that feeling has never faded. I feel it even stronger at 42. One of the biggest lessons I learned this year is to appreciate the place you’re at. In life and literally where you live. So, this year I’ll be launching a project to give back to the city that has given me so much and embraced Hawthorn and Honey so wholeheartedly.

I can’t wait to interact more with all of you and see where this year takes us! I’ll be hosting a giveaway this week over on Instagram so if you’re not already following along over there, make sure to head over there on Monday to enter for your chance to get your hands some some herbal goodness!

May will all learn to be content with being happier than we deserve!

Until next time,






Bees and Plantain